For people from away, the mechanics of eating a lobster can be daunting. Kim Knox Beckius, at does a great job here of making it simple. So get ready for summer, make your Maine accomodation reservations now (January is the busiest month for Maine summer bookings), ad start salivating for your Maine Lobster next summer!
How To Eat a Lobster - Learn How To Eat a Lobster With This Visual Photo Guide
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Five Islands Maine pictures from maine photos on webshots
The internet sure makes this a small world. I don't know the poster of the photos on this site, but I do recognize the dock! Looks like a few over from ours in Five Islands on the Little Sheepscot River.
Love Maine photos? Take a look:Five Islands Maine pictures from maine photos on webshots
Love Maine photos? Take a look:Five Islands Maine pictures from maine photos on webshots
Monday, November 13, 2006
Midcoast Maine Primer
Rather than reinvent the wheel, I'll refer you to the following article if you are in need of a "midcoast Maine Primer" - or an introduction the the where and why of the area known as midcoast Maine. Enjoy.Midcoast Maine: "The midcoast area of Maine has long been a favorite vacation spot for tourists up and down the East Coast of the United States, across the country, and even from around the world. Maine is known, affectionately, as Vacationland, and the midcoast area is partly why."
Global ambitions start in Maine
If this ambitious sailor, Schwab, succeeds, Maine will soon get some more press and attention for it's long traditon as a builder of quality boats - be it sloop - racer - or battleship.
Follow the story of a round the world racer who recently put in at our local and favorite of sailors: Robinhood Marina and his quest for a Maine built boat for the 2008 race.
Global ambitions start in Maine: "BOOST FOR MAINE BOAT-BUILDING
The Maine boat-building industry is not only Maine's tradition, it is a big part of its future."
Follow the story of a round the world racer who recently put in at our local and favorite of sailors: Robinhood Marina and his quest for a Maine built boat for the 2008 race.
Global ambitions start in Maine: "BOOST FOR MAINE BOAT-BUILDING
The Maine boat-building industry is not only Maine's tradition, it is a big part of its future."
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Maine Lobster at Five Islands
Just in case you don't want to take my word for it here is another blog (no I'm not related) which gives you a view of our great lobster hang out: Five Islands Wharf, in Georgetown, Maine.Libby and Jared: Mary's Maine Lobster at Five Islands
A Year of Poetry from a Wealth of Maine Poets: Entering a poet’s world of perception - Arts & Entertainment - VillageSoup
November is not a busy month for travel to Maine's midcoast or woods. It doesn't mean that there are not a lot of armchair visitors out there like myself.
If you find yourself in that back to the earth or nesting mood, take a look here:
(Belfast) A Year of Poetry from a Wealth of Maine Poets: Entering a poet’s world of perception - Arts & Entertainment - VillageSoup: "I can’t imagine better medicine for holding steady as we sink into the dark damp month of November than reading these words. Take this book, climb under the covers, and remember the joy in words. Walk slowly among trees, rediscovering your wonder. Wormser’s memoir is a good companion, a tender guide, and a wise teacher taking us into presence to greet each moment.
You may just want to cuddle up with Wormser's: The Road Washes Out in Spring: A Poet's Memoir of Living Off the Grid
or go to a signing at 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18, at Gulf of Maine books in Brunswick (729-5083)."
If you find yourself in that back to the earth or nesting mood, take a look here:
(Belfast) A Year of Poetry from a Wealth of Maine Poets: Entering a poet’s world of perception - Arts & Entertainment - VillageSoup: "I can’t imagine better medicine for holding steady as we sink into the dark damp month of November than reading these words. Take this book, climb under the covers, and remember the joy in words. Walk slowly among trees, rediscovering your wonder. Wormser’s memoir is a good companion, a tender guide, and a wise teacher taking us into presence to greet each moment.
You may just want to cuddle up with Wormser's: The Road Washes Out in Spring: A Poet's Memoir of Living Off the Grid
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Traditional Maine Recipes: Maine Apple Brown Betty Recipe
Our Maine cottage is closed up tight for the coming winter, but I can't resist dreaming about future falls there. Crisp air, blue skies, and crisp.
Even here in CA I'm growing apples (gala and anna).
Bon appetite!
Traditional Maine Recipes: Maine Apple Brown Betty Recipe
Even here in CA I'm growing apples (gala and anna).
Bon appetite!
Traditional Maine Recipes: Maine Apple Brown Betty Recipe
Thursday, October 05, 2006
October in Bath and the Midcoast area of Maine
Bath Maine is a "City of Ships" and it is "Historic Bath." When I first started exploring Maine and the coast from Portland to Bar Harbor in the mid 1980's I never gave Bath much thought. It was the place I passed on Rte. 1 where I'd ogle a ship being built and marvel at the Kennebec River moving so swiftly under the old bridge. It wasn't until I started to look for my "summer cottage" and "retirement place" that I paid much attention to all the towns along the rivers before I'd turn onto the islands and peninsulas that seemed to call me like a siren's song.
It was in 1999 that I began to make friends with Bath. Each year when I visit, I find myself appreciating Bath more and more not only for what she can become, but for what the city has been.
If you find yourself in need of some good old fashioned New England culture this month and a little more than eating a lobster and enjoying the fall colors, make a stop in Bath and enjoy one of the following or just a stroll down Front Street.
A Ghostly Tour of Bath's Historic District
As night descends and fog creeps in off the river, join the Friends of The Patten Free Library for a ghostly tour of Bath’s historic district. Meet at the gazebo and follow our docent along the walkways to hear supernatural legends about the city and surrounding towns.
To benefit the Patten Free Library, this event is scheduled for Thursday, October 5 from 8-9:30 p.m. (Rain date is October 12). Reservations are required. For more information, please call Bronda Niese at 443-8613
Architecture Scavenger Hunt
When: Sat Oct 14 time 10:00 to 1:30.
How: Tickets $5.00 singles $10.00 for teams.
Where: Meet at Winter Street Center 880 Washington Street
Who: Families and teams encouraged!
What: Participants will start at Winter Street. Stay there as long as needed to study exhibits and learn what to look for.
Go out with a list of 9 architectural elements and addresses where those details may be found and match them up .
Why: When finished, return to WSC and turn it in for a ticket.
That ticket is eligible to win one of our wonderful prizes. One ticket for each correct answer. You choose which prize they want to try for by placing the ticket in a box next to the item.
There are optional extra questions to earn more tickets!
100 gallons of fuel oil from M.W. Sewall
10 free skates at The Park
A lovely loom kit for age 7+ from Halcyon Yarn
Landscaping consult with Greg Moyer
Other prizes from local merchants as well!
Best prize of all: knowing that you have learned something, participated in your community and had fun!
It was in 1999 that I began to make friends with Bath. Each year when I visit, I find myself appreciating Bath more and more not only for what she can become, but for what the city has been.
If you find yourself in need of some good old fashioned New England culture this month and a little more than eating a lobster and enjoying the fall colors, make a stop in Bath and enjoy one of the following or just a stroll down Front Street.
A Ghostly Tour of Bath's Historic District
As night descends and fog creeps in off the river, join the Friends of The Patten Free Library for a ghostly tour of Bath’s historic district. Meet at the gazebo and follow our docent along the walkways to hear supernatural legends about the city and surrounding towns.
To benefit the Patten Free Library, this event is scheduled for Thursday, October 5 from 8-9:30 p.m. (Rain date is October 12). Reservations are required. For more information, please call Bronda Niese at 443-8613
Architecture Scavenger Hunt
When: Sat Oct 14 time 10:00 to 1:30.
How: Tickets $5.00 singles $10.00 for teams.
Where: Meet at Winter Street Center 880 Washington Street
Who: Families and teams encouraged!
What: Participants will start at Winter Street. Stay there as long as needed to study exhibits and learn what to look for.
Go out with a list of 9 architectural elements and addresses where those details may be found and match them up .
Why: When finished, return to WSC and turn it in for a ticket.
That ticket is eligible to win one of our wonderful prizes. One ticket for each correct answer. You choose which prize they want to try for by placing the ticket in a box next to the item.
There are optional extra questions to earn more tickets!
100 gallons of fuel oil from M.W. Sewall
10 free skates at The Park
A lovely loom kit for age 7+ from Halcyon Yarn
Landscaping consult with Greg Moyer
Other prizes from local merchants as well!
Best prize of all: knowing that you have learned something, participated in your community and had fun!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Why do leaves turn colors in the fall?
Why do leaves turn color in the fall?"New England enjoys some of the most intense fall colors thanks to its almost pure stands of a few types of trees that all turn color at the same time. Trees are not the only thing that contribute to a colorful autumn, though. Shrubs like burning bush and sumac, and even weeds like poison ivy can paint the roadsides brilliant colors in fall. In Maine, the blueberry barrens turn a phenomenal fiery red. "
My favorite author, Deborah Fowles, explains it all in simple terms. Despite growing up in New Hampshire, where the boasts of brilliant colors are actually being modest, I always forget just why the leaves change color...
Enjoy learning, and do me a favor? Press one of those red sugar maple leafs for me! I miss fall in New England.
My favorite author, Deborah Fowles, explains it all in simple terms. Despite growing up in New Hampshire, where the boasts of brilliant colors are actually being modest, I always forget just why the leaves change color...
Enjoy learning, and do me a favor? Press one of those red sugar maple leafs for me! I miss fall in New England.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Camden film festival begins Sept. 28
Business in | Camden film festival begins Sept. 28: "Camden film festival begins Sept. 28
The 2nd Camden International Film Festival (CIFF) will take place from September 28-October 1, 2006 at various venues throughout Midcoast Maine. Dedicated to examining our world, our global family and ourselves through the lenses and minds of the finest non-fiction visual storytellers, CIFF honors the independent documentary by providing audiences with the very best in documentary film in an environment that allows participants direct access to the filmmakers. "
The 2nd Camden International Film Festival (CIFF) will take place from September 28-October 1, 2006 at various venues throughout Midcoast Maine. Dedicated to examining our world, our global family and ourselves through the lenses and minds of the finest non-fiction visual storytellers, CIFF honors the independent documentary by providing audiences with the very best in documentary film in an environment that allows participants direct access to the filmmakers. "
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Puffins - in Maine

The Atlantic Puffin is the smallest of the Puffins and can be found in Canada and Maine. To learn more visit this article: THERECORD.COM INSIDER Puffin project draws crowds in Maine
If you've ever seen a puffin at an aquarium, zoo, or even in their natural habitat, chances are you've fallen in love with their duck and penquin like antics and adorable behaviors. Here in CA, I'm lucky enough to live close to a Trader Joe's market which carries Barbara's Brand Cereals, including their peanut butter puffins. My kids are vegetarians and we try to limit our intake of hydrogenated oils - these cereals fit the bill.
If you find yourself in Midcoast Maine, you will want to take time to visit the Audubon Visitor's Center in Rockland and a boat tour to see puffins on Midcoast Maine's Eastern Egg Island from either Boothbay Harbor's Captain Fish Cruises (closest to our midcoast Maine cottage) or further up the coast from New Harbor's Hardy Boat Cruises(near Pemaquid which is also lovely).
lucian niemeyer,
Thursday, August 03, 2006
More Fun in Store in and Around Bath, Maine this Summer
Do you enjoy lighthouses? Marine Mammals? Boat Tours?
Why not try this one: Kennebec Historic Lights and Seal Watching. Join the Maine Maritime Museum for a scenic cruise past 6 lighthouses along the "Kennebec Historic Waterway" from Bath to Seguin Island & Light. Passengers will see Doubling Point Light, the Kennebec Range Lights, Squirrel Point Light, Perkins Island & Light, Pond Island Light, and Seguin Island Light - and maybe see seals and bald eagles, too! 207-442-1316, ext 0. $29.95/non-member; $24.95/ member; $12.95/ child (4 -12); $1/infant
Interested in Bath Iron Works and the Present and Historical Building of our Military Ships? Try the :BIW Trolley Tours
BIW Trolley Tours May 30 through September 5th. Tuesdays at 1:00 pm, and Saturdays at 10:30am Go behind the gates at Bath Iron Works during the upcoming summer season. The first tour is scheduled to begin Tuesday May 30th at 1:00pm with boat cruise option beginning June 20th. Bath Iron Works has a long and proud history which began in 1884 and has continued to the present. Today BIW builds the Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer. Go behind the gates of BIW on this one hour tour and learn about the history of the last active shipyard on the Kennebec. During the tour, participants will be able to view the old launching ways and BIW’s new state-of-the-art Land Level Transfer Facility where large vessels are constructed on a flat surface and moved into the dry-dock for launching. Participants will also learn facts about the process of Cost: BIW Tour and MMM Admission: $25 /Adult, $15 /Child, $15 /Member. BIW Tour/ Boat Cruise and MMM Admission: $37.95 /Adult, $20.95 /Child, $27.95/ Member.
While you are in Bath try new tinytypes at the very end of Front Street, run by the former owners of the Grey Havens Inn in Georgetown. Eat dinner at Mae's - their wild blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream is worth every calorie, and pick up some Maine novelties at Renys.
Why not try this one: Kennebec Historic Lights and Seal Watching. Join the Maine Maritime Museum for a scenic cruise past 6 lighthouses along the "Kennebec Historic Waterway" from Bath to Seguin Island & Light. Passengers will see Doubling Point Light, the Kennebec Range Lights, Squirrel Point Light, Perkins Island & Light, Pond Island Light, and Seguin Island Light - and maybe see seals and bald eagles, too! 207-442-1316, ext 0. $29.95/non-member; $24.95/ member; $12.95/ child (4 -12); $1/infant
Interested in Bath Iron Works and the Present and Historical Building of our Military Ships? Try the :BIW Trolley Tours
BIW Trolley Tours May 30 through September 5th. Tuesdays at 1:00 pm, and Saturdays at 10:30am Go behind the gates at Bath Iron Works during the upcoming summer season. The first tour is scheduled to begin Tuesday May 30th at 1:00pm with boat cruise option beginning June 20th. Bath Iron Works has a long and proud history which began in 1884 and has continued to the present. Today BIW builds the Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer. Go behind the gates of BIW on this one hour tour and learn about the history of the last active shipyard on the Kennebec. During the tour, participants will be able to view the old launching ways and BIW’s new state-of-the-art Land Level Transfer Facility where large vessels are constructed on a flat surface and moved into the dry-dock for launching. Participants will also learn facts about the process of Cost: BIW Tour and MMM Admission: $25 /Adult, $15 /Child, $15 /Member. BIW Tour/ Boat Cruise and MMM Admission: $37.95 /Adult, $20.95 /Child, $27.95/ Member.
While you are in Bath try new tinytypes at the very end of Front Street, run by the former owners of the Grey Havens Inn in Georgetown. Eat dinner at Mae's - their wild blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream is worth every calorie, and pick up some Maine novelties at Renys.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Summer Eating in Maine
This Washington Post article gives an excellent overview of what to expect for summer food during your Maine vacation or to cook when you're away: Summer Can Be a Maine Event, and this one from Fodors: Summer Eating, will stear you to some of the best summer eats in Massachusetts and Maine.
Having just returned from a trip to our coastal cottage I feel justified in adding to these article.
Corn on the cob: buy it at any local farm stand. My favorite: Five Islands Farm, Georgetown, Maine - though not a local farm, the owner gets the best of the best each day she's open.
Wild Maine blueberries: sold on roadsides and at farm stands. If you are lucky like us, you may find ripe berries on the property of your vacation rental. In good years you can make a simple cobbler, but we rarely get past eating them fresh. Pick up some blueberry jam while in Maine as well.
Raspberries: ditto above!
Maine Lobster: get this delicacy on the water! Follow signs to local co-ops or to old faithful establishments. We prefer our lobsters at home, purchased off the boat from friends and neigbors. You can pick them up at most restaurants that steam them for you, or at any local grocery or fish mart.
As for the best places to eat in Massachusetts and Maine, besides in my beloved Georgetown...Fodors gets it just right.
I waited 40 minutes happily for clam stips at the Clam Box in Ipswich (I know that's not really clams...); made a road trip every summer of my youth to Woodman's in Essex for fried scallops and a trip to Crane's or Good Harbor beaches; and started my love affair with Maine by taking trips over the bridge from NH with my future husband in the 80's to Chauncy's Creek in Kittery for his favorite lobster in the rough. The best whoopie pies however, come from by own kitchen at the hands of my daughters! Maybe some day you'll get lucky and they'll sell them...
Having just returned from a trip to our coastal cottage I feel justified in adding to these article.
Corn on the cob: buy it at any local farm stand. My favorite: Five Islands Farm, Georgetown, Maine - though not a local farm, the owner gets the best of the best each day she's open.
Wild Maine blueberries: sold on roadsides and at farm stands. If you are lucky like us, you may find ripe berries on the property of your vacation rental. In good years you can make a simple cobbler, but we rarely get past eating them fresh. Pick up some blueberry jam while in Maine as well.
Raspberries: ditto above!
Maine Lobster: get this delicacy on the water! Follow signs to local co-ops or to old faithful establishments. We prefer our lobsters at home, purchased off the boat from friends and neigbors. You can pick them up at most restaurants that steam them for you, or at any local grocery or fish mart.
As for the best places to eat in Massachusetts and Maine, besides in my beloved Georgetown...Fodors gets it just right.
I waited 40 minutes happily for clam stips at the Clam Box in Ipswich (I know that's not really clams...); made a road trip every summer of my youth to Woodman's in Essex for fried scallops and a trip to Crane's or Good Harbor beaches; and started my love affair with Maine by taking trips over the bridge from NH with my future husband in the 80's to Chauncy's Creek in Kittery for his favorite lobster in the rough. The best whoopie pies however, come from by own kitchen at the hands of my daughters! Maybe some day you'll get lucky and they'll sell them...
Monday, June 05, 2006
Portland and Southern Maine 4th of July Fireworks
My favorite place to watch fireworks in the United States on the 4th of July has to be on the eastern bank of the Kennebec River in Woolwich, ME. There is a kind man who owns a little lot with a perfect rock, that lets people treck across his freshly mown path to enjoy this view. It's a family atmosphere, and pretty much a locals only kind of place. We were fortunate enought to be invited to this place by a local in 1999.
For the rest of folks, make your way to the Kennebec River and find a spot in Bath. While you are there make a day of it and enjoy a good old fashioned celebration at Bath Heritage Days. If you don't want to make your way that far north, access some other southern Maine options here: Portland and Southern Maine 4th of July Fireworks: "Bath Heritage Days is a four day celebration in Bath that includes fireworks over the waterfront on Tuesday, July 4th, 2006, the final day of Bath Heritage Days, at 9:15 pm. 207-443-9751. "
For the rest of folks, make your way to the Kennebec River and find a spot in Bath. While you are there make a day of it and enjoy a good old fashioned celebration at Bath Heritage Days. If you don't want to make your way that far north, access some other southern Maine options here: Portland and Southern Maine 4th of July Fireworks: "Bath Heritage Days is a four day celebration in Bath that includes fireworks over the waterfront on Tuesday, July 4th, 2006, the final day of Bath Heritage Days, at 9:15 pm. 207-443-9751. "
Southern Maine Day Trips - The Island of Georgetown
My favorite Maine guide at "About" has done it again with this great driving guide of Georgetown Maine: Southern Maine Day Trips - The Island of Georgetown: "When you cross the second bridge on Route 127 (about five miles from Woolwich), you'll be on the island of Georgetown, Maine. The island has over 82 miles of shoreline, with sandy beaches, sheltered coves, harbors, rocky headlands, and marshes. Abundant wildlife, including osprey, harbor seals, bald eagles, deer, and moose, share Georgetown Island with its 1,000 human inhabitants. "
Whether you are taking a day trip in Maine in search of the perfect lobster, or spending a week at my favorite town in Maine, make this driving trip part of your time. You won't find it in the touristy books or online most online sources, but you won't go wrong, and you won't be stuck in traffic in Georgetown.
Whether you are taking a day trip in Maine in search of the perfect lobster, or spending a week at my favorite town in Maine, make this driving trip part of your time. You won't find it in the touristy books or online most online sources, but you won't go wrong, and you won't be stuck in traffic in Georgetown.
Monday, May 29, 2006
The Seven Natural Wonders of Coastal Maine - MSN Travel Articles
Always wanted to go to Maine, but have no idea where to start? Try this Frommer's article to point you in the right direction: The Seven Natural Wonders of Coastal Maine - MSN Travel Articles.
The one NOT to miss of their wonders is in #2 - take the mailboat our of Portland Harbor to sigtsee around the plentiful Calendar Islands. This is the most original and interesting "harbor tour" I've been on anywhere in the United States.
The one NOT to miss of their wonders is in #2 - take the mailboat our of Portland Harbor to sigtsee around the plentiful Calendar Islands. This is the most original and interesting "harbor tour" I've been on anywhere in the United States.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Reid State Park and Beach in Georgetown Maine

Even The Globe knows a good thing when they see it:Your Perfect Beach - The Boston Globe: "More experienced paddlers should head for Reid State Park in Georgetown, Maine, on the shores of Sheepscot Bay. At Mile Beach, the sand gives way to a boulder-strewn coastline where the Atlantic pounds the rocks, spewing foam high into the air. You'll likely be joined by seals and the ubiquitous lobstermen, zipping from buoy to buoy to pull up their catch. Lot parking is available."
Reid State Park and its beaches are among the finest in Maine. Don't just take my word for it. It doesn't matter if you are a toddler or an experienced kayaker or a bird watcher; there is something for everyone here.
I've never kayaked at Reid. I do that from my waterfront cottage in Five Islands. I have however enjoyed many, but not all of the things there are to do at Reid including:
-clamming at the Little River at low tide
-riding a kickboard at the bridge as the tide changes
-collecting shells, periwinkles, and other treasures at low tide on near any of the rocks
-looking for pieces of garnet at Griffiths Head
-basking in the sun at mile beach
-picnics by the bridge and at the lagoon
-building sandcastles and watching little ones play at the lagoon
-smelling the roses hips and rosa rugosa along the paths
-sliding down the banks to the Little River
-braving the cold waves on the beach
-collecting driftwood and building odd structures
-watching the piping plovers and other birds
-taking shelter from a thunderstorm and watching nature's show
-eating icecream from the snack bar
-strolling the beach in the off season
Can it get any better than Reid?
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
In my day, we thought calculators were neat
Although this has nothing to do with vacationing in Maine, I am jealous! I have an exiting middle schooler and an entering one. Oh how I wish CA were equipping and education their students in this manner. My kids have had a great education here, but their technology education at school consists of little more than "Type to Learn". Read up on Official Google Blog: In my day, we thought calculators were neat: "The Maine Learning Technology Initiative is an innovative program that equips every one of the state's public middle-school students with a laptop computer. This fall, more than 36,000 students will receive brand-new Apple iBooks pre-installed with great software."
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Main Street Bath Gets Ready for Your Next Maine Vacation
OK, you've made it out of the office early on Friday to beat the traffic up to the coast of Maine. You want to do something fun, stop and have dinner, and feel like you are on vacation! Starting at the end of June Main Street Bath is sponsoring Gazebo Concerts beginning at 7:00 and the third Friday of each month there will be an Art Walk happening. Merchants are planning on staying open on Friday nights, and giving you a place to spend your time. Haven't been to Historic Bath? It's a renaissance city. City of ships, full of maritime history, great antiques, and a lovely waterfront on the Kennebec River.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Southern Maine Day Trips - The Island of Georgetown, Maine
Deborah Fowles at is one of my favorite writers for everything Maine. It isn't just because she mentions my cottage in this article on Georgetown: Southern Maine Day Trips - The Island of Georgetown, Maine. It's because she knows her stuff. She even lives in Georgetown! Lucky woman! Her recommendations are right on. From Deena's Lobster (formerly Lisa's now known as Mama D's), to Georgetown Pottery, to the Josephine Newman Wildlife Sanctuary, Ms. Fowles shows you Georgetown for real. I couldn't have done a better job myself, but if you want to see some more recommendations with links check out my Midcoast Maine Fun page.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Portland Maine Jetport Getting JetBlue
Watch for lower fares going into and out of Portland Maine after JetBlue arrives on May 23! I can't wait and am hoping this means nonstop service from Long Beach for us! - Portland airport fares to drop once JetBlue arrives No longer will we be forced to fly into Boston and drive 2 hours, or even into Manchester NH, for reasonable airfares if JetBlue has their way.
Rainy Autumn and Warm Winter Enhance Spring Rafting in Maine
though I've never gone river rafting in Maine, white water rafting is one of my newer favorite activities while on vacation. My first time was in Costa Rica, and next favorite in Dinosaur National Monument with Adrift Adventures. Apparently, the Maine rafting season is about to begin: Rainy Autumn and Warm Winter Enhance Spring Rafting in Maine. My suggestion: book your whitewater rafting trip now on the Kennebec or Penobscot, then come to the midcoast to relax at our cottage.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Fun in New England and Maine in the Summer
This recent article from USA Today reviewing Fun in New England helps to confirm many of the things I've enjoyed there, and helped to make my wish list of things to explore. The article is actually based on Yankee Magazine's top 300
My favorites that are mentioned include:
Ben & Jerry's Factory Tour in Waterbury, VT
The Flume in Franconia Notch NH
A Ferry Ride in Casco Bay in Portland ME (the mail boat is the best)
Sunsets in Provincetown MA
Seafood at Woodman's in Essex MA
Spend a week, a month, the summer, or a lifetime - New England is full of fun!
My favorites that are mentioned include:
Ben & Jerry's Factory Tour in Waterbury, VT
The Flume in Franconia Notch NH
A Ferry Ride in Casco Bay in Portland ME (the mail boat is the best)
Sunsets in Provincetown MA
Seafood at Woodman's in Essex MA
Spend a week, a month, the summer, or a lifetime - New England is full of fun!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Top Ten Picks: Movies filmed in Maine
Well with the Oscar buzz over here in CA, why not turn to one of the best places to set books and movies: Maine! I personally like to read novels by Tess Gerritsen's The Surgeon
, and an occasional Stephen King like The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
This fun list gives you a fun list of movies to watch before you visit. My favorites from this list is In the Bedroom
. See the list at:Top Ten Picks: Movies filmed in Maine
This fun list gives you a fun list of movies to watch before you visit. My favorites from this list is In the Bedroom
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Science at Mussel Cove
I named our cottage "Mussel Cove" last spring in an effort to give it identity. The place sits on a cove (known as White's Cove on the nautical charts, but no one calls it this locally. I even ordered the book Murder at Mussel Cove
, a new mystery, from Amazon figuring it will make a fun read for me and my guests. To keep a handle on online mentions of my place I have a Google Alert for "mussel cove" - basically Google sends me an email with links to anything that shows up with those words in it. Pretty simple compared to my old days in marketing when only the biggest companies could afford to keep track of the news through much slower, but similar industry alerts.
Low and behold, but this one appears in my inbox tonight: Purdue chemist 'mussels' in on secrets of natural adhesives. I just couldn't resist clicking through, because in a former life I was, well, a chemist, and clearly, I love the ocean and am fascinated by marine life (with better guidance in high school and college, I would have been a marine biologist or chemical oceanographer...but that's another blog).
If you're interested in the amazing potential of those pesky, and to many, delicious little guys hanging all over my dock and rocks do take a few minute to read article in the link - it is in language we can all understand.
Low and behold, but this one appears in my inbox tonight: Purdue chemist 'mussels' in on secrets of natural adhesives. I just couldn't resist clicking through, because in a former life I was, well, a chemist, and clearly, I love the ocean and am fascinated by marine life (with better guidance in high school and college, I would have been a marine biologist or chemical oceanographer...but that's another blog).
If you're interested in the amazing potential of those pesky, and to many, delicious little guys hanging all over my dock and rocks do take a few minute to read article in the link - it is in language we can all understand.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Webshots - Images of Five Islands Maine
What a small world we have become with the internet. This link:Webshots - Images of Five Islands Maine showed up in my Google alerts tonight. Looks like these photos were taken from the home next to my cottage, "Mussel Cove." Our properties sit on an idyllic cove on the Little Sheepscot River in Five Islands, which is basically a very short split in the Sheepscot River, on the inland side of Macmahan Island. I especially like the morning fog shots, as watching it come and go like the tide is one of my favorite past times.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Moose Facts and Photos
I couldn't resist adding this to my Midcoast Maine blog! My husband is fascinated with moose, yet he seems to be the permanent winner of "the least likely to see a moose in Maine" award. He still doesn't believe me that I saw an amazing one two summers ago while driving on a friend's property in Robinhood Cove. Fortunately this friend's dad called him and asked if he'd seen it - independent confirmation for me! I'm going to make sure my husband reads the first article from this link before he heads back to open up our cottage in Georgetown: Interesting Facts About Moose, Plus Photos
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Robinhood Free Meeting House Freezes!

Imagine my surprise this morning when my Google Alerts showed up in my inbox with something about Robinhood Free Meetinghouse restaurant in Georgetown Maine. For anyone who has never been to midcoast Maine, never mind Georgetown ME, this little restaurant in a historic meeting house, on a little island (connected by bridges), is a bit obscure - but highly praised by food critics and guests alike. Apparently, they have started selling a "famous" item - frozen. Check it out at . Want to taste these pastries in person and experience traditional Maine? Plan your stay for this summer now at Mussel Cove vacation rental in Georgetown.
Down East - The Magazine of Maine
Finally, the traditional Maine essential magazineDown East - The Magazine of Maine read by Maniacs, exiles, and folks from away, catches up with the times! Be sure to take a look at their new and improved web site, as well as new and improved vacation rentals look coming this spring. Finally, it will be easy to use off line, and now even available online! After many years of urging from advertisers like myself, Down East Magazine is finally adding Vacation Rentals to their web site. Now we all know where to look for our next special spot - but don't delay, I know I'm booking fast for June - August already. Summer will be here before we know it.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Southern Maine Summer Vacation Rentals: Cottages, Homes, and Condos

Southern Maine Summer Vacation Rentals: Cottages, Homes, and Condos
Looking for information on southern or midcoast Maine Vacation Rentals? Check out the link above from About Portland guide Deborah Fowles. There are some good basic tips in this article on what to ask rental owners, as well as some solid links to rental agencies for Southern Maine, and online vacation rental listing services. Personally, I wouldn't include 10k in this list as they are really not a leader in vacation rental listings. I would however definitely add Visit Maine, Great Family Rentals, and Vacation Rentals to her list.
I'd also add that the "high season" is about 8 weeks in Maine. If you want to rent a cottage in July or August on the water (beach, rocky shore, or lake) book NOW. The best places often fill up 6 months to 1 year in advance. If your first choice is booked, ask for referrals; most owners are willing to help.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Welcome to Maine Midcoast Vacation Information
You have arrived at the spot to find out more about travel and vacationing in the midcoast Maine region. This blog is courtesy of Vacation Mamma - the owner of aMidcoast Maine Vacation Rental in the Five Islands section of Georgetown Maine. However, the purpose of this blog is not to tell you more about my rental, it is to tell you more about midcoast Maine.
Come back often and mark this as a favorite!
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