Thursday, October 19, 2006

Traditional Maine Recipes: Maine Apple Brown Betty Recipe

Our Maine cottage is closed up tight for the coming winter, but I can't resist dreaming about future falls there. Crisp air, blue skies, and crisp.

Even here in CA I'm growing apples (gala and anna).
Bon appetite!
Traditional Maine Recipes: Maine Apple Brown Betty Recipe

Thursday, October 05, 2006

October in Bath and the Midcoast area of Maine

Bath Maine is a "City of Ships" and it is "Historic Bath." When I first started exploring Maine and the coast from Portland to Bar Harbor in the mid 1980's I never gave Bath much thought. It was the place I passed on Rte. 1 where I'd ogle a ship being built and marvel at the Kennebec River moving so swiftly under the old bridge. It wasn't until I started to look for my "summer cottage" and "retirement place" that I paid much attention to all the towns along the rivers before I'd turn onto the islands and peninsulas that seemed to call me like a siren's song.

It was in 1999 that I began to make friends with Bath. Each year when I visit, I find myself appreciating Bath more and more not only for what she can become, but for what the city has been.

If you find yourself in need of some good old fashioned New England culture this month and a little more than eating a lobster and enjoying the fall colors, make a stop in Bath and enjoy one of the following or just a stroll down Front Street.

A Ghostly Tour of Bath's Historic District

As night descends and fog creeps in off the river, join the Friends of The Patten Free Library for a ghostly tour of Bath’s historic district. Meet at the gazebo and follow our docent along the walkways to hear supernatural legends about the city and surrounding towns.

To benefit the Patten Free Library, this event is scheduled for Thursday, October 5 from 8-9:30 p.m. (Rain date is October 12). Reservations are required. For more information, please call Bronda Niese at 443-8613

Architecture Scavenger Hunt

When: Sat Oct 14 time 10:00 to 1:30.
How: Tickets $5.00 singles $10.00 for teams.
Where: Meet at Winter Street Center 880 Washington Street
Who: Families and teams encouraged!
What: Participants will start at Winter Street. Stay there as long as needed to study exhibits and learn what to look for.

Go out with a list of 9 architectural elements and addresses where those details may be found and match them up .

Why: When finished, return to WSC and turn it in for a ticket.

That ticket is eligible to win one of our wonderful prizes. One ticket for each correct answer. You choose which prize they want to try for by placing the ticket in a box next to the item.

There are optional extra questions to earn more tickets!

100 gallons of fuel oil from M.W. Sewall
10 free skates at The Park
A lovely loom kit for age 7+ from Halcyon Yarn
Landscaping consult with Greg Moyer
Other prizes from local merchants as well!
Best prize of all: knowing that you have learned something, participated in your community and had fun!